Susan Dorothea White Bibliography

2006 Susan Dorothea White', 2A Art & Architecture, Spring 2006, Dubai: Est2A Co., pp.78-9 (Type: article)
Reinventing the Wheel, 2001
carved salvaged Huon pine, dividers, fabric, vintage car wheel, drafting paper, doorbell
76 x 110 x 82 cm

Menopausal Me in a Saucepan Lid, Warts 'n All, with Everything, including the Kitchen Sink, 2001
acrylic and collage on panel
60 x 120 cm

Stretching the Imagination (small version), 1994
7 x 21 x 7 cm

The First Supper, 1988
acrylic on panel
120 x 240 cm

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